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Julian Paul Assange (* 3. července 1971, Townsville, Queensland, Austrálie) je australský vydavatel a internetový aktivista.Je znám jako mluvčí, hlavní redaktor a spoluzakladatel WikiLeaks – internetového serveru, který za posledních několik let zveřejnil množství utajovaných dokumentů
Godine 2006. osnovao je WikiLeaks, neprofitnu organizaciju koja se bavi objavljivanjem, odnosno curenjem Julian Paul Assange; Taunsvil, 3. jul 1971) je australijski novinar i internet aktivista. Najpoznatiji je po svom radu na internet sajtu „Vikiliks”, čiji je glasnogovornik i urednik. Pre radnje na stranici, bio je student fizike i matematike i programer.
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Outlining Mr Assange's defence, Mr Fitzgerald said the extradition should be barred because "the Nov 19, 2019 · Julian Assange arrives in Sweden on a speaking trip partly arranged by "Miss A", a member of the Christian Association of Social Democrats. He has not met "Miss A" before but reports suggest they «Je vous demande de gracier M. Assange, car il n'est pas, et n'a jamais été, un ennemi du peuple américain. Son organisation, WikiLeaks, lutte contre le secret et la corruption dans le monde entier et, par conséquent, agit dans l'intérêt public tant du peuple américain que de l'humanité tout entière», a ainsi écrit Niels Melzer. “WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world's most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” - Julian Assange, Der Spiegel Interview.
Džulijan Asanž (Julian Assange) osnivač Vikiliksa, uhapšen je danas u Londonu, a vest o njegovom hapšenju obišla je svet. Posle 6,5 godina, njemu je ekvadorska ambasada ukinula politički azil, a Vikiliks (Wikileaks) napominje da Džulijan Asanž uopšte nije ni izašao iz ambasade već je, kako se može videti i na snimcima, iznet iz zgrade.
It is believed that Julian Assange was mind controlled while he was a member of the cult known as ‘The Family’. The Family was also known as the Santiniketan Park Association and the … Julian Paul Assange é um ativista australiano, programador de computador, jornalista e fundador do site WikiLeaks. Atualmente, encontra-se sob custódia da Polícia Metropolitana de Londres após ser preso em 11 de abril de 2019, sob a acusação de ter violado as condições estabelecidas na sua fiança em 2010. Antes, ele estava refugiado na embaixada do Equador em Londres, vivendo lá como refugiado de 2012 até seu encarceramento, em 2019.
Tor. Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. In order to use the WikiLeaks public submission system as detailed above you can download the Tor Browser Bundle, which is a Firefox-like browser available for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux and pre-configured to connect using the
Uhapšen je osnivač WikiLeaksa Julian Assange. Podsjećamo, Ekvadorski predsjednik objavio je da je Ekvador povukao azil koji je … Published to coincide with the forthcoming film, The Fifth Estate, starring Beneditct Cumberbatch, this tie-in edition contains two new chapters on Julian Assange and Bradley Manning, and a foreword by Alan Rusbridger. It was the biggest leak in history. WikiLeaks infuriated the world's greatest superpower, embarrassed the British royal family and helped cause a revolution in Africa. Julian Assange wikileaks. 2,568 likes · 11 talking about this.
Prije radnje na stranici, bio je student fizike i matematike te računalni programer. Aug 24, 2020 · An online appeal for public assistance to fund the legal defence of Julian Assange has won significant support.
srpnja 1971.) je programer, urednik, aktivist, izdavač i novinar.. Assange je postao poznat kao glavni urednik i osnivač WikiLeaks, organizacije koja objavljuje tajne informacije i povjerljive dokumente od anonimnih izvora zviždača. Ekvadorska veleposlanica v Londonu je sporočila, da ima Julian Assange kronično infekcijo pljuč, "ki se lahko kadar koli poslabša". Assange bi po njenih besedah moral nujno na sonce in svež zrak. Kot je znano, bi ga ob odhodu z veleposlaništva britanske oblasti aretirale.
Reportedly, Julian, together with his mother Claire and his half-brother, spent his childhood fleeing the father of Julian’s half-brother. That father was a member of a cult, called The Family, run by a Anne-Hamilton Byrne. Julian Paul Assange (* 3. července 1971, Townsville, Queensland, Austrálie) je australský vydavatel a internetový aktivista.Je znám jako mluvčí, hlavní redaktor a spoluzakladatel WikiLeaks – internetového serveru, který za posledních několik let zveřejnil množství utajovaných dokumentů Julian Paul Assange (Townsville, Queensland, Australija, 3. srpnja 1971.) je programer, urednik, aktivist, izdavač i novinar.. Assange je postao poznat kao glavni urednik i osnivač WikiLeaks, organizacije koja objavljuje tajne informacije i povjerljive dokumente od anonimnih izvora zviždača. Julian Paul Assange (* 3.
Podle prokurátorky Perssonové pro další stíhání Assange neexistuje dostatek The "Year Zero" leaks are just the first in a series of "Vault 7" dumps, Julian Assange said. When taken together, those "Vault 7" leaks will make up the biggest intelligence publication in The controversial website WikiLeaks collects and posts highly classified documents and video. Founder Julian Assange, who's reportedly bei New York Times declara que "Julian Assange, o líder do Wikileaks, foi indiciado por 17 acusações por violar o Espionage Act por seu papel na obtenção e publicação de documentos militares e diplomáticos secretos em 2010, o Departamento de Justiça anunciou na Quinta — um grande caso que trás a tona profundos problemas com a Primeira Julian Paul Assange; Taunsvil, 3. jul 1971) je australijski novinar i internet aktivista. Najpoznatiji je po svom radu na internet sajtu „Vikiliks”, čiji je glasnogovornik i urednik. Pre radnje na stranici, bio je student fizike i matematike i programer. Julian Assange avait à l'époque dénoncé publiquement la «désinvolture» d'un journaliste du célèbre quotidien, David Leigh, qui, dans un livre publié par le journal en février 2011, avait divulgué un mot de passe donnant accès à des documents non-expurgés.
Outlining Mr Assange's defence, Mr Fitzgerald said the extradition should be barred because "the Nov 19, 2019 · Julian Assange arrives in Sweden on a speaking trip partly arranged by "Miss A", a member of the Christian Association of Social Democrats.
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Nov 19, 2019 · Julian Assange arrives in Sweden on a speaking trip partly arranged by "Miss A", a member of the Christian Association of Social Democrats. He has not met "Miss A" before but reports suggest they
WikiLeaks infuriated the world's greatest superpower, embarrassed the British royal family and helped cause a revolution in Africa. Julian Assange wikileaks. 2,568 likes · 11 talking about this. Défense du droit d'expression, Wikileak, Julien Lassange, Cablegate. Aujourd'hui 2 décembre rejet de l'appel contre extradition Julian Assange was born in 1971 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.